
Trusted by businesses, charities, colleges and local authorities, to bring out the best in their teams and organisations.

Over the last 20 years, Surveylab has developed a unique, in-depth understanding of employee surveys.

In 2012 we launched our Employee Survey Framework. 66 core questions covering workplace fundamentals, including communication, the role of managers and work-life balance.

The framework delivers results for organisations of any size, from SMEs to companies with thousands of employees across multiple locations.

Modify, add or remove questions. Add links to internal programmes. Change styling. The framework is fully customisable.

We look after the technical details, programming, survey communications, anonymity and reporting. You focus on the business.

Once we've collated results, your data is easily cross-referenced to quickly understand positive and negative trends, and any areas of concern.

And most importantly, it helps you to formulate a plan of action.

Some clients prefer to review results and create summaries themselves, using our online reporting tools. Others ask us to run analysis, generate scorecards and other breakdowns, and facilitate workshops to explore the results together.

Whatever level of support you need, we're here to help.